1. Hi! thank you so much for these very informative videos! I’m new(ish) to running. I bought a cheap $20 pack from amazon and have been using it for almost 2 years and I finally feel like I’m committed enough to make the leap into an official pack. I’ve looked at the Nathan and Salomon and am so thankful I found your blog before purchasing either! What are your thoughts on the Osprey dyna 6? I’m rather flat chested, my longest distance run I’m planning for is a marathon (no ultras here! ………yet!)
    what pack would you recommend? I really would love the idea of using a bladder + collapsible flasks and the idea of easy to access gels in the front would be very desired. Do you have a favorite?
    Thank you so much!!!!


    • The Osprey has a rigid sliding bit that I was never a fan of. I got a little behind adding reviews on this because I lost the log in >< but I have a few more pack reviews on my YouTube channel! I like Patagonia and USWE as my favorite go to.


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